RESULT: Declare your chosen structure to build your business from!
OK! So, now that you have a good idea of what you are creating and why along with different options and structures to start with, it is time to celebrate getting to this point!
This is a huge deal to have even gotten this far!
Most people just talk about starting their businesses, but never really do the sit down strategizing, research, and first action steps of thinking things through.
These first steps in SPIRIT can seem boring or not that important to some, but will save you money and time in the future as you go further into your planning.
At this point, your MISSION STATEMENT, BUSINESS DESCRIPTION, and chosen STRUCTURE don't have to be 100% complete and perfect right now. They just need to be done, even in all their imperfectness and doubt, which means if you did them, they are perfect!
Celebrating the fact that you now have a clear SPIRIT you can now move forward into "birthing" this new Studio entity into the world. ;)